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My name is Zoe Hawnt, founder and principle artist of Wire Knot?Jewelry.

Having had the good fortune to travel the world extensivly from a young age (Greece to Germany, from Malta to Mexico and much much more) .

Travel has been a main source of insparation.

My earliest memory of wanting to create Jewelry was at 10yrs old. My family and I went to the city market in New Mexico.


I was completely transfixed by the insparation offered.

When watching these soulful, raw, true artisans at work - poverty was rampent, But, yet for SOME REASON these artists did not seem affected by poor conditions.

Instead, they emminated a profound sense of peace through it.

Weather it was true or not. Was this, in fact how they found their peace ? At any rate -I wondered if I might to find peace this way....By creating jewelry the way they did.

So has worked for me.

I hope to incorperate this sense of peace into my design.

So take a look around and if you have any comments, or suggestions please  contact me.

Happy shopping to you and hope to see you back again soon! :)


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